Weekly Update
Nightly Homework: Study weekly spelling words Practice Math Facts Quiz yourself over States and Capitals Read 20 minutes Spelling Words: Spelling homework - study 20 minutes every night Math: Continue to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication & division facts We are working multiplying 3 digit numbers ELA: Working on non-fiction texts, making inferences, and character traits Science: Energy Religion: Holy Trinity, Rosary, and Stations of the Cross Social Studies: United States Regions, States, and Capitals work Midwest States PRACTICE THESE! |
Every other Wednesday is an out of uniform day. Have your children bring $1.00 or a canned food item! Classroom Needs: Hand Sanitizer Stamps Art Supplies REMINDERS: Upcoming Field Trips: Useful Websites: Additions Math Fact cards: http://goog.gl/qsqFMx Spelling Practice: (spelling words can also be found here) www.spellingcity.com/stewardm Nouns Practice: http://www.harcourtschool.com/menus/trophies/activities/grammar_practice/gr4.html Take a look at the adventures of 4th grade!
Please remember that students should not be outside at school until 7:45 a.m. There is no adult supervision until that time. Students who are eating breakfast here may enter at 7:35 a.m. and go straight to the cafeteria. After breakfast they should go outside. We offer a before school child care program that begins at 7:00 a.m. For those attending this program, you will be charged $3.00 per child, for any child who is at school BEFORE 7:45.
School is dismissed at 3:15, please be to school as close as possible to this time to pick up your student(s)
School is dismissed at 3:15, please be to school as close as possible to this time to pick up your student(s)