Please remember that students should not be outside at school until 7:55 a.m. There is no adult supervision until that time. Students who are eating breakfast here may enter at 7:45 a.m. and go straight to the cafeteria. After breakfast they should go outside. We offer a before school child care program that begins at 7:00 a.m. For those attending this program, you will be charged $3.00 per child, for any child who is at school BEFORE 7:45.
**Assignments are written in Assignment Planners daily.** Please take time each and every night to look at your child's planner and to sign it. It has assignments, test dates, and teacher messages. It is also a great way to communicate with me.
**Reading logs need to be filled out every night with the number of minutes read and parent's initials. I will check logs daily.
**Secret Santa gifts need to be brought to school by the 16th.
It is very important that 3rd graders read 20 min. or more each day. Ask your child what they are reading about. This helps with many skills. Comprehension and speaking are two of them. :)
Spelling/Vocabulary No new Spelling this week. Next week-Christmas words
Vocabulary-government words
**We are working on vocabulary for Reading, Science, Math, and Social Studies.
Grammar- We will have Daily Oral Language each day. Daily Oral Language focuses on identifying and correcting errors in sentences.
We are learning about singular and plural nouns and how to write and use them correctly.
Math- Please practice +/- facts We are finishing up our Subtraction Unit. We begin Multiplication next week.
Art- We are learning to create sketches as well as using different media in our Art projects.
Science- We are learning about States of Matter.
Social Studies 3rd- We are learning about Map Skills and Government.